Cincinnati Community

The Cincinnati Butler Community is thinking of our Butler family during these challenging times.

While 2020 was light on events, the Cincinnati Community was able to host a virtual Summer Send-Off for first-year students from the Cincinnati area and BITS service event at Freestore Foodbank in November. It was great to connect with some of you and have a little sense of normalcy!

Our steering committee continues to brainstorm ways to connect with you during this time. We encourage you to join our Facebook group and follow us on Instagram (@bucincydawgs) to stay in the know! If you have ideas for events you’d like to see our community host, we’d love to hear them – email us at

In the meantime, the University has done a great job of providing online offerings for us all at You might want to check out upcoming events or watch any number of concerts and recitals available through the website.

On behalf of the entire committee, thank you for your continued support and unwavering Bulldog spirit. Here’s to a 2021 filled with opportunity, gratitude, and community!

 – Olivia Sutton ’18, Chair – Cincinnati Butler Community Steering Committee

Steering Committee

Community Chair
Olivia Sutton ’18 

Vice Chair
Brad Hein ’08

Communications Chair
AJ Macht ’01 


Andrew Brockman ’07
Daniel Makutonin ’16
Nate Shadoin ’02

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